
TextRecognitionDataGenerator comes with an (hopefully) easy to use CLI. The tutorial is actually multiple tutorials, combined in a single page. Feel free to skip sections that are not relevant to your use case.

Just generating data

Fun fact, you don’t need to use any command line arguments if you want English data generated using multiple fonts. Indeed, simply running python3 run.py will create 1000 English, single word images in the out/ directory such as these:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Now maybe 1000 is too many or too few for your usecase. You can add the -c argument to set how many examples will be generated.

python3 run.py -c 10

As expected, you will find 10 examples in the out/ directory.

Generating Chinese data

This is a common usecase, and one that is easy with TRDG.

python3 run.py -c 10 -l cn

This will generate 10 samples using the Chinese dictionary that can be found in in dicts/cn.txt:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Since the concept of word in Chinese is a bit trickier, the dictionary is made of single characters (make your own!). Let’s do this again with -w 5 to get something prettier.

python3 run.py -c 10 -l cn -w 5

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Now that looks better, but what’s up with the spacing between the characters? We would rather have no spaces. Add -sw 0.

python3 run.py -c 10 -l cn -w 5 -sw 0

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Asian scripts can be written top to bottom, you might want to add the -or 1 argument to get vertical text.

python3 run.py -c 10 -l cn -w 5 -sw 0 -or 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

You can do much and more with TRDG, if you run into a missing feature, simply open an issue.

Text distorsions

For those familiar with the process of training a machine learning model, you often have to deal with overfitting, which is when the model gets too good at predicting the samples in the training data and stops generalizing to unseen examples. One trick to prevent this is by adding the distorsion to the data.

While TRDG does not dwelve too deeply in augmentations, as many better and more complete libraries already take care of it, some operations are available for convenience through the -d argument which as 3 possible values:

  • 0: None
  • 1: Sine wave
  • 2: Cosine wave
  • 3: Random

python3 run.py -c 5 -w 5 -d 1

1 2 3 4 5

python3 run.py -c 5 -w 5 -d 3

1 2 3 4 5

A more advanced use case

Text in the real world is not always black, and most importantly, text in the real world is almost never straight. What if we want to emulate that?

python3 run.py -c 10 -k 15 -rk -bl 0.5 -rbl -tc '#000000,#888888'

Which can be translated to: generate 10 examples with a skewing angle between -15 and 15 with an added gaussian blur between 0 and 0.1. Finally, the text color should be picked randomly between black and gray (including all the colors inbetween).

Sure enough, the output is much more colourful!

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The default resolution might be too small to your taste (and I agree). By default the output is 32 pixels high because it’s the height used by most text recognition papers. Now you can change that with -f 64.

python3 run.py -c 10 -k 15 -rk -bl 0.5 -rbl -tc '#000000,#888888' -f 64

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Manipulating margins

TRDG allows you to control margins around the text using two parameters, --margins, --fit. The first one controls margins, in pretty much the same way the CSS property margin does.

This is the result with no fit and the default (5, 5, 5, 5) margins: python3 run.py -c 1 -i texts/test.txt


Now we can add --fit to apply a tight crop around the rendered text. This changes the size by removing the added space for accents: python3 run.py -c 1 -i texts/test.txt --fit


Margins are applied the generated text, so even with 0,0,0,0, if you don’t use --fit you will get an apparence of margins: python3 run.py -c 1 -i texts/test.txt --margins 0,0,0,0


Now if you add --fit, you get an absolutely no margins: python3 run.py -c 1 -i texts/test.txt --margins 0,0,0,0 --fit


Margin values are comma separated top,left,bottom,right, so --margins 10,0,10,0 will return vertical margins with tight cropping vertically.


And finally, with all margins: python3 run.py -c 1 -i texts/test.txt --margins 10,10,10,10 --fit